Monday, August 29, 2011

Home school argument: Kids get to be around kids of all ages

Is there truth behind the assertion that home schooled kids have more opportunities to interact with kids of all ages?  This contrasts with public and private schools that group kids together by age, generally speaking.  Looking at my kids experience with socializing, they have been involved with a gym group, dance lessons, soccer teams, religious education, piano lessons, and scouts.  The kids are grouped with kids of the same age in most of these activities.  Why?  Often kids of similar ages may have similar abilities.  Kids also seem to gravitate towards kids their own age.  Having younger kids exposed to kids that significantly older may bring about an education that parents may frown upon.  Having kids hang out with younger kids seems to be alright, although they will most likely be at different social developmental stages.

My take on this is that it sound good when home schoolers talk about how their children are exposed to kids of all ages.  What happens in reality will vary by family.  In my kids experience, they are usually grouped with other kids their ages in home school groups and they seem to like that.  I will say that my kids  interact with adults better than I did at their age.  That's what happens when you're around adults much more of the time than other kids.

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